Reno's weather can be sketchy at best, but on Jun 26 on a beautiful Sunday afternoon our public broadcasting station KNPB held an Afternoon Tea & Lawn Party on the grounds of a historic home. The historic property is now home to a landscaping/greenhouse/nursery. As you can image with these credentials the grounds are beautiful.
KNPB's theme was Downton Abbey, with actors from the local Nevada Shakespeare Company playing principle characters as they wondered through the guests.
Three of us from the GBCS (Great Basin Costume Society) took advantage of an opportunity to dress Edwardian and enjoy the activities.
A few days later, my monthly newletter from KNPB came via email. There was a report on the Afternoon Tea and Garden Party with a video attached. So posted below you will see that viedo and pictures from the Tea.
Carolyn Runnells (that would be me) Lauren Reeser, Lisa Fisher
Lauren and Lisa
The Duchess - she was a hoot
Rest of cast from Downton Abbey