Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Models for the Nevada Museum of Art

Our Edgar Degas Ballerina


Steampunkie Elizabeth

Open House Nevada Museum of Art

The Museum had an Open House of the various classes that the museum offers to the public. I had the wonderful opportunity to model and be painted by Ron Spears

Cain's Crossing

The first weekend of May was Cain's Crossing Ren Faire. Ashley Deering also modeled for the Nevada Museum of Art. Her portrait was presented to her at court. Hopefully it will help her find a husband, well a husband for her at fair.

Ashley's portrait painted at the Nevada Museum of Art Modeling Classpainted by Ron Spears

Bre learning to play a little harp

Thanking the Queen

Ashley (Lady Elizabeth) receiving her portrait fr QE I

Queen's Court and presentation of Ashley's portrait

Beautiful and Fair Virgin Bre

Getting ready for procession